Stress management

Energy Tapping for…

  • Personal Development & Transformation

    • Clear Blocks, Release Resistance & Align Manifestations

    • Process & Resolve Fears, Past Hurts, Anxiety symptoms, Grief & Loss

    • Deeply Connect with Your Intuition, Expand Your Consciousness

  • Relationship Trauma

    • Divorce, Separation, It’s Complicated

    • Family, Friends, Generational, Developmental

Rewrite Your Unresolved Past, Current Stress & Struggle, into Peace & Wisdom

What you can expect….

  • Process Unresolved Issues

  • Lessen Anxiety, Worry

  • Resolve Indecision, Overthinking.

  • Overcome Blocks, Fears

  • Clear Resistance

  • Gain Mental Clarity, Expansive Thinking

  • Personalize Tapping as Self-Regulation skill for Life’s Future Stresses

Self Regulation Skills


Process & Resolve your stress and struggle, calm inner chaos, and experience more peace and clarity.

- Private Energy Tapping with Suzanne
- Session is 50-55 minutes, via Zoom (link provided when purchased)
- Energy Tapping with a practitioner can lead you to faster and lasting results.
- Purchase Tapping with Suzanne, schedule your session, below.
- Discount packages available.
Please read
Transformed Connections Services Disclaimer

What’s Neuro-Energy Tapping

Tapping is a powerful self use acupressure tool, that shifts our experience of stress by calming the mind and relaxing the body. Rooted in Neuroscience, Tapping affects the brain and body, to regulate physical, emotional and mental states into safe, secure attachment.

Tapping is just a tool, however is most effective when paired with a trauma-informed transformation system, like our own 3RP Method (Resolve, Release, Reframe, Project).

If you’ve tried traditional Tapping approaches before, you know most rely on a practitioner’s generalized tapping scripts (using their belief system, not yours) or have a pre-requisite that you ‘love and accept yourself’, which often leaves you stuck, confused and without results. Many who’ve tried traditional EFT/Tapping says it doesn’t work, and they’re right!

Tapping has evolved! 3RP helps you process the unresolved past, outdated beliefs, and transform triggers into peace & wisdom, it’s truly a transformation system that can get you the results you want.

Neuro-Energy Tapping
uncovers & transforms your stress at the root, in a way that personally works for YOU!

Eden Energy Method

Our bodies are energy, with rivers of energy that flow from our head to out feet called meridians. Body movements and tapping energy points engages these energy meridians for the purpose of circulating energy.

Circulating the energy body promotes wellness & wellbeing.

Familiarize and practice these daily energy exercises to help get you in your natural rhythm and flow.


FAQ TRE & Tapping Packages

How are Transformation Packages structured?
One issue per package. Multiple packages may be needed depending on the client’s ability and willingness to shift towards lasting change. In the great words of Dr Bessel van der Kolk “it takes practice being well”. I have been working privately with clients for over 15 years and give 100% to help you achieve lasting results fast. If you’re shopping for the best per session rate, we won’t be a good fit; transformation is not a one hit wonder.

Purchase process
The checkout process allows you to schedule a session with Suzanne. Beyond that session, Suzanne will provide you with a link to schedule any remaining sessions. Within 24 hours of your purchase, you will receive an email from Suzanne will details on next steps.

How long are online mentoring sessions? 
Sessions are ~50-55 minutes.  

How are sessions done - in person or or virtual? 
Virtual Sessions are via Phone or Zoom video chat (link will be provided).
(Skype, What’s App are also video chat options)
(if you’re local, sessions may be in person)

How many sessions are included in a package?
Discount packages available, #5, #10 sessions.

How do I schedule my sessions?
After receiving your payment, you will receive an intake form and services disclaimer, and instructions on how to schedule sessions online (via online scheduler, for you to schedule at your convenience).

Can I record sessions? 
You are welcome to record sessions.

Where are you located? 
I am in Florida and based in Eastern Standard Time (EST), so please adjust time zones accordingly when scheduling. 

Services are non-refundable and appointment changes require 24 hours advance notice, else lose session time.

Services Disclaimer
Client payment assumes agreement to Transformed Connections Services Disclaimer